Offering children a secure, playful, loving, inclusive and multicultural environment.

Current Job Vacancies

First Steps Academy is an equal opportunities employer and is recruiting for a number of roles across all our rooms; Baby, Wobbler, Toddler, Pre-Montessori, Montessori and After School.

These exciting positions must be filled to complete our dynamic environment in which all our staff will have ample opportunity to grow professionally in our unique setting.

Our ethos supports our staff and encourages personal development leading to job satisfaction and achievement of professional goals. We strive for excellence and believe in autonomy and allowing staff to develop their own unique learning environment using our policies and procedures as their guidelines.

Our aim is to provide the best working conditions in the industry recognising and appreciating our staff for the essential work they do and to this end we provide a rewards scheme for staff as an incentive to be the best at what we do.

If you would like to apply for a job with us, please send us your CV to

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