Offering children a secure, playful, loving, inclusive and multicultural environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What days are you closed?

The creche remains open throughout the year with the exception of the following days: Good Friday, Christmas Week and all Bank Holidays.

(Times may be subject to change for operational reasons. As much notice as practical will be given.)

What happens next when I drop my child to Creche?

At First Steps Academy Creche & Montessori we offer all children and parents a warm welcome.  Parents enter the building through a buzz in system and finger print imaging system. Your child will be greeted by our warm and friendly staff each morning. Breakfast is served to children until 08.30.  Following breakfast children are encouraged to help clean up and then are escorted to their respective rooms.

What do I need to send with my child?  

For babies we require you to supply the baby’s bottle, soother, nappies, cream/powder whichever, if either, you use, nappy wipes, change of clothes and sippy cup.  All of these items are for use exclusively with your child.  Please label all items clearly.  We require parents to supply bottles fully made up and we will store them in the fridge until feeding time.  We will give the bottle according to your instructions.

How do you settle my child?

At First Steps Academy Creche & Montessori we endeavor to help your child adapt to his/her new routine and environment as pleasant and positive as possible.  For the first week depending on the needs of the child, we bring the child in for a couple of hours until we and you feel he/she is ready for the transition to full time care (see Settling In Policy). 

Do I need to change my child’s routine?
No, we work with each child on an individual basis and settle them into the creche routine over time.

**Soothers are only permitted for sleep times to prevent cross infection**

How do I know how my child’s day went?

We give parents feedback daily on how the child is getting on including details of all logs kept e.g. sleep, food, play etc.  and any special moments are recorded for the parents to review. 

Does my child get to play outside daily?

We are acutely aware of the value of outdoor play and the role it plays in the child’s life and well being.  To this end we bring all children out every day weather permitting.  We bring them out several times per day when the weather is dry and even when wet provided it is not harmful to their health.  Parents are asked to provide sun cream which must be labeled with their child’s name.  We ask parents to apply the initial application of sun cream.  They must wear warm hats in winter and sun hats in summer.

What do I do with my buggy/car seat?
Unfortunately we cannot provide storage for these items, please ensure they are taken with you.

What happens if I am late collecting my child?
We ask parents to collect their children on time, however we understand that on occasion due to circumstances beyond your control you may run late.  On these occasions we ask you to please contact the creche and let us know so we can reassure the child and avoid feelings of insecurity.  Habitual lateness will incur a late fee.

Do you work in ratios?

Yes we are bound by the Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 2016 to follow room ratios and we have relief staff directly employed by us, to cover lunches and staff sickness/holidays.

Do you provide food for children with allergies?
Yes. We ask parents to provide details of any allergies or dietary requirement and we provide, where possible, alternatives to our menu to accommodate these needs.  However if this is not possible we will ask parents to provide the child’s food and we will store and serve it according to HACCP guidelines.

What is the procedure for dealing with my child if he/she becomes ill in crèche?
If your child becomes ill during the day in crèche, our management will make contact with you by phone and inform you.  We will monitor your child closely and with your consent, administer Calpol if the child has a temperature. Depending on how your child responds to the treatment and whether the child is contagious or not e.g. vomiting, it will be necessary for you to arrange to have the child collected.


Can my child attend creche if he/she is sick?
We are bound to follow HSE guidelines and there are certain conditions/illnesses where children are not permitted to attend and we must follow the exclusion period laid down by these guidelines.   Children with infectious diseases are not permitted to attend, however, the common cold and such conditions do permit attendance.

Is there a specific timeframe in which my child must toilet train?

No, all children train in their own time and we do not put pressure on either the child or the parents as this is a natural process which happens when the child is ready.  We support both children and parents as our staffs are trained to recognise when the child is showing an interest in training.  This is a very delicate time in the child’s life and a positive experience is essential to the child’s well being.

We do require all ECCE children to be toilet trained before attending the service.  Please feel free to discuss this process with us should you require any further information or support.

What is the procedure regarding changing/washing of bedding?

All bedding is changed and washed weekly and if the bedding is soiled it is changed immediately.  Where more than one child shares a cot/sleeping mat, each child has their own bedding which is used only for that child and changed as above.

What level of training does the staff have?
Our entire staff are qualified to a minimum of QQI Level 5 and many are qualified to QQI levels 6, 7 and 8.  Staff are trained in First Aid and Manual Handling.  Our staff members involved with the preparation of food are qualified in HACCP.

We also have an in-house training programme whereby staff regularly undertake training to ensure staff are up to date with changes in the industry.  We are great believers in continuous professional development.  We also avail of external training opportunities with Fingal County Childcare Committee and Early Childhood Ireland.
What are the ratios in the rooms and who covers staff lunches?

The ratios for full day care crèches are set by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency.  Our creche fulfills this requirement.  We have a floating staff member who covers lunches and bank relief staff whom we call on to cover sick leave.

Are all staff Garda Vetted and First Aid Trained?
We do not employ staff until they are Garda vetted and we have obtained written references which are always checked and validated. We have a number of staff trained in paediatric first aid so we are equipped to respond correctly in any situation.  All staff take part in refresher courses according to regulations.

I have misplaced a copy of your company Parental Agreement (Terms & Conditions).  Where can I get a copy?

Please click this link below for our most recent copy.

Parental Agreement - Terms & Conditions
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